I want to give a great big thank you to CAADS for always organizing such amazing event for our ADHC / CBAS industry. Coming to these events are always such a great way to feel energized, pumped, and refueled about the work we do everyday.
If you weren’t able to make it to this event, here are some of the classes you missed: > Navigating Medi-Cal System for Share of Cost. > Effective Strategies in Reducing Ageism Against Older Adults in our Communities. > Loss Prevention, Compliance and Income Protection. > Guidance in Completing the New CBAS Individual Plan of Care (IPC). > Celebrating Person - Centered Champions; Inspiring Ideas from the Groud Up. Thank you to our friends and family in the ADHC / CBAS community and again thank you to CAADS! Love always, The TurboTeam Be sure to save the date for 2020! CAADS Spring Conference April 14-17 Concord / Walnut Creek Hilton
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The TurboTAR team would like to sincerely express their gratitude to CAADS for another insightful Spring Conference of 2019. This year we give a special thanks to Lydia Missaelides for the many years of hard work and advocacy she has done for this industry, we are both sad and excited for her new ventures. We would like to give a warm welcome to Christin Hemann who will be taking over her duties at CAADS.
As always it was great to see our collegues, clients, managed care partners, and state regulators. Each time we get together it's a wonderful reminder of why we do what do and why we work so hard everyday to provide the care to so many. If you weren’t able to make it to this event, here are some of the classes you missed: > Show Me the Money! Understanding the A-Z process of getting paid. > Nutrition in adult day services: What's working, what's not, and why we need to urgently address this issue. > How Hospice and Palliative Care can work hand in hand with ADPs and ADHCs. > Aging, Loneliness and Social Isolation: A need for community. > Empathy in Elder Day Care: The practical connection with leadership. We hope to see you at the next event CAADS Fall 2019 Conference November 12-14. TurboTAR will be ready to implement the newly released Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) IPC3/20/2019 TurboADHC® software will be updated with the New IPC by the end of April! You will be able to complete your May reauthorizations, (due June 1st) in your TurboADHC software using the new IPC!
https://aging.ca.gov/ProgramsProviders/ADHC-CBAS/Forms/Eligibility_and_Service_Authorization/ For a sneak peek at what to expect, check out the CDA website forms and instructions (Rev 03/19): Put it in the books, another informative CAADS Fall Conference 2018. These events are always a great way to stay educated and in the know on what’s happening in the Adult Day Health Care industry. If you weren’t able to make it, here is some of what you missed: > Show Me the Money! Billing, Claims Management and Increasing Cash Flow for Your Center. > Care Planning and the Multidisciplinary Team: Key Elements for Positive Outcomes > Leading Teams That Thrive in Adult Day Services > CBAS Survey 101: What to Expect and How to Prepare for the Certification Survey Not to worry if you missed this event, we have another event coming soon in the Spring 2019, and we hope to see you there! Save the Date! Thank you to our friends and colleagues in Adult Day Services for all that you do, and thank you to CAADS! Love always, The TurboTeam This year's CAADS Spring Conference 2018 was yet another amazing time and opportunity to learn about whats going on first hand in Adult Day Services from experts in the industry. It was so great see some new faces, returning colleagues, Managed Care partners, California State Regulators! Enjoy the slideshow and feel free to repost the pictures! If you weren’t able to make it to this event, here are some of the classes you missed: > Care Planning and the Multidisciplinary Team: Key Elements for Positive Outcomes > Advancing Your Knowledge of the California Department of Education Food Program > It’s All About Survival: Providing a Supportive Refuge for Elders by Understanding How Trauma Alters Aging & Behavior > Preventing Fraud and Abuse is Everyone's Business: Reduce Your Risk and Worry Less > Early Stage Dementias: Myths vs. Facts > An Evidence Based and Holistic Approach to Optimal Brain Health > And More! Not to worry if you missed this event, we have another event coming soon in the Fall 2018, and we hope to see you there! Save the Date! Thank you to our friends and family in the ADHC / CBAS community and thank you to CAADS!
Love always, The TurboTeam This was no ordinary conference because this fun-filled event marked the 40th year Anniversary for CAADS!
We learned and shared so much about Adult Day Services with our colleagues, Managed Care partners, California State Regulators, and all of others that make our work possible. Thank you to everyone that participated in this year’s event! It was so great seeing you all! If you weren’t able to make it to this event, here are some of the themes you missed: > Recognizing and responding to depression in older adults > Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease: medical & practical aspects of diagnosis and care > Research-based strategies for creating meaningful activities for persons living with dementia > Common pitfalls in the small family business: how to overcome challenges and thrive > Opening a new CBAS center in the managed care era > Keys to lowering your workers’ compensation insurance costs > And More! But don’t worry, there’s another fun-filled and informational conference coming soon in the Spring! Hope to see you there! And for those of you not familiar with CAADS, they are the California Association for Adult Day Services (CAADS). This is the 501 (c) 6 non-profit statewide association that supports the development of Adult Day Services while governed by an 18-member Board of Directors. They are a membership-based association supported by dues, grants, and educational activities. They are the reason we have so much support and guidance in our field. Again, and we can’t say it enough, thank you to our friends and family in Adult Day Services and thank you to CAADS! Happy 40th Anniversary! Love always, The TurboTeam |